
Institut für integrative Lerntherapie



The following symptoms are typical in learning and performance difficulties and may occur by themselves or together and this most often over a prolonged period of time:

    difficulties concentrating, motoric restlessness, clowning around
    or daydreaming, forgetting important information
    conflicts with teachers and /or other students
    untidiness at school and home
    school anxiety, possibly accompanied by physical complaints
    failure in stressful situations, i.e. test-taking    
    problems with homework (avoidance, resistance)
    lack of confidence in own abilities

especially with dyslexia:

    reading inaccuracies, reading without comprehension, aversion to reading
    confusing similarly shaped (b-d, p-q, etc.) and similar-sounding letters (b-p, g-k, w-f, etc.)
    higher than average mistakes in writing, copying and dictation Deficits in verbal language usage
    difficulties learning a foreign language
    cramped writing posture, hard-to-decipher handwriting, and many more

Deficits in verbal language usage difficulties learning a foreign language cramped writing posture, hard-to-decipher handwriting, and many more

especially with dyscalculia:

    non-existing perception of number imagery and/or geometrical shapes
    problems with special orientation
    solidified counting instead of calculating
    number reversal
    insufficient comprehension of mathematical operations and confusion of math symbols
    difficulties with mental math and word problems

These individual symptoms can affect the child's entire behavior and may lead to conspicuous demeanor, learning blockades and even to complete (scholastic) refusal.

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